posted ago by alphaliberal ago by alphaliberal +14 / -0

China has been stealing our intellectual property, sold us sub par goods, bullies its neighbors, spies on us with agents ready to go in the United States, orchestrated the C19 Bio weapon (yes Fauci et al helped and they should hang), coordinated with other foreign actors and nations to rig our general elections, human traffics and harvests but.....

If China invades Taiwan I believe it is the responsibility of the United States to use its full force unequivocally and strike Beijing with the most powerful nuclear weapon in our arsenal, and continue to nuke one big city every two days until they surrender.

Taiwan and that region are a direct multi-level and multidimensional national security sphere of influence for the United States, and we must do what we have to protect it.

Yes I'm calling for a nuclear exchange. PERIOD AND END OF DISCUSSION