The Dinosaurs hoax blew my mind and literally no one i know knows the slightest thing about it. Mind Blowing.
Just follow the questions
1- How many dinosaur fossils/bones have been found by Miners, Tunnel Engineers, etc compared to Palaeontologists.
A) 0 miners have found 0 all found by palaeontologists 80% or so of all bones
found by a small group of students in a small time period after the Dinosaur Hypothesis was put forward by their Professor
2- All the dinosaur skeletons on display in all the worlds museums are models not one is real, NOT ONE
Dinosaurs, global warming, moon landing, Antarctica, true nature of nukes, Jan. 6, Roosevelt’s. Skepticism is healthy and should be encouraged.
The Dinosaurs hoax blew my mind and literally no one i know knows the slightest thing about it. Mind Blowing. Just follow the questions 1- How many dinosaur fossils/bones have been found by Miners, Tunnel Engineers, etc compared to Palaeontologists.
A) 0 miners have found 0 all found by palaeontologists 80% or so of all bones found by a small group of students in a small time period after the Dinosaur Hypothesis was put forward by their Professor 2- All the dinosaur skeletons on display in all the worlds museums are models not one is real, NOT ONE
its a brilliant jaw dropping rabbit hole
Not to mention, the "dinosaur bones" discovered by students were buried just barely beneath the surface.
Then where are fossil fuels really from?
There are no 'fossil' fuels. Oil is in a constant state of natural production within the earth.