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The Dinosaurs hoax blew my mind and literally no one i know knows the slightest thing about it. Mind Blowing. Just follow the questions 1- How many dinosaur fossils/bones have been found by Miners, Tunnel Engineers, etc compared to Palaeontologists.
A) 0 miners have found 0 all found by palaeontologists 80% or so of all bones found by a small group of students in a small time period after the Dinosaur Hypothesis was put forward by their Professor 2- All the dinosaur skeletons on display in all the worlds museums are models not one is real, NOT ONE
its a brilliant jaw dropping rabbit hole
Not to mention, the "dinosaur bones" discovered by students were buried just barely beneath the surface.
Then where are fossil fuels really from?
There are no 'fossil' fuels. Oil is in a constant state of natural production within the earth.
Exactly. It’s absurd to think that over time animal bones ‘sink’ down 5000 feet as layers of rock and mud cover them. When you see dead animals by the side of the road, or a dead rabbit in your back yard, they are eaten very quickly by scavengers and bugs. Every bit of life and energy is taken out of them and their empty bodies dry up and dissipate. There aren’t layers of dead animal carcasses anywhere.
To account for this though, archaeologists have tried to claim that the scavenging bugs that ate the dead weren’t around yet. Which is how they were allowed to have massive pockets of dead matter gather and not be consumed.
Just think about at all of the oils you can find just in the grocery store aisles alone that don't come from underground: corn oil, canola oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, cottonseed oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, etc. etc.
Oil is created by the processes of heat and pressure and the churning of tectonic plates, as it breaks down rock underground and eventually recycles it back to the surface. On the surface of the earth you can get oil from shale fairly easily, imagine how easy it is for the earth to mulch that shale into oil itself.
Thank you
Dinosaurs are fake?!
Check out this blog:
Isn’t it funny that most of the bones were found by those Indiana Jones style archaeologists, most of whom had no real training or schooling in scientific process or geology, chemistry, biology, etc. They’d run around in Argentina or Chile or wherever and easily locate these bones, even when they also had little study in anthropology or geography and didn’t have a clue where or why certain places might be better locations, all the while with no real sophisticated tools, infrastructure, computers, etc. Literally they walked around with shovels. Yet scientists now with all their equipment and ground scanning and training can’t find dinosaurs everywhere? Dinosaur bones are just whale bones and ostrich bones modified and copied to appear massive. Compare an ostrich claw and a dinosaur claw and they appear identical.
Interesting. What about the places one can visit with the footprints preserved? Those are fabricated?
Personally, I’d assume they are. A footprint purposely imprinted in fresh cement will erode away within our lifetimes. How would a footprint remain in nature for 10s of millions of years? If it’s in a muddy or wet area it will be washed away in weeks. If it’s in a dry area where it never rains, it will be baked into the earth around it. I wouldn’t even think a footprint created in a completely controlled environment could last our lifetime
Plenty of giant human skeletons have been found, though.
Yes; this is a fact.
These are the nephilim discussed in the Bible.
I don't know obviously but something is really fucking weird, the part about the bones never being found by engineers , miners etc is true. How is that possible. All the digging and tunnelling and excavation mining and never one bone found, a group of hooray henrys from Oxford go on a jolly and find 80 % or the bones in Museums today in a three month period, as i say it is a rabbit hole that gets stranger and stranger and when you realise its intention is to discredit the existence of God and reinforce Darwinian theory it makes more sense. For an interesting activity go to your nearest big museum and ask if you can see the actual dinosaur bones. They won't let you.
They have been digging them out of the rock wall at the Dinosaur National Monument for a century. You can go there and watch it being done if you want to see them in situ. But don't complain about not being able to see the real bones, when you can simply walk in and view them in their discovery site.
Moon Landing:
Okay, the dinosaurs are really freaking me out!
Sorry for YT links. :(
I'm down with not going to the moon but he lost me at flat earth. Watched the whole video. I do believe the astronauts were most likely MK Ultra brainwashed - he doesn't mention that in the video, just an observation.
And 100% Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landing footage. Kubrick already had a massive lunar landscape set-up for 2001 A Space Odyssey at Shepperton Studios just outside of London leading up to the Apollo launches.
I love the Flat Earth theory. So fun. Not saying I believe it. But it's fun to entertain and poke.
Btw, no MK Ultra needed.
Say what we want.
Or we kill your entire family.
OK I will play.
PROVE to me the spherical Earth.
I am being provocative. My point is that if you believe the Earth is a sphere it should be easy to prove that. So please do that.
Heh. Easier said than done.
This is why I say that I am not a Flat Earther. But I also cannot proooooove a spherical Earth. Certainly the moon in my sky looks like a sphere, so perhaps that helps. But is it? Lol. This stuff is maddening.
I should add:
Need to prove spherical Earth.
Then need to prove spherical Earth orbits Sol (our Sun).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's spin. (Why, How, etc.).
Then need to explain spherical Earth's elliptical orbit around Sol, and why this is stable. (Or is it not stable?)
Then need to explain why centripetal force does not apply to that which is in our atmosphere (e.g. you do not fly off into space. OK. "Gravity", right? So ... it should be easy to prove, then. :))
Need to address whether Sol moves or not, and how, and where we're going, etc.
Need to explain how a backwater Sol and planet (Earth) developed this level of life. Is this normal and common? Or not normal and not common.
I am not per se laying all of this at your feet telling you you need to really do all of this. What I mean to do is to point out that the stories you've been told might not actually "hold up" and creating responses to the questions above that are fully backed by science is a FUCK OF A LOT HARDER than you might think.
The most important tidbit is that the first "dinosaur" tooth that launched the entire science if paleontology, financed by Rockefellers, was discovered later to be a whale tooth. It was too late by then so Dinosaurs (tm) became official narrative.
No way, there’s no way dinosaurs have been faked, my reality has already been rocked, I refuse to have it rocked even further
hahaha Checkout Sir Richard Owen 1842 also do a search on dinosaur hoax and see how many are coming up as fake tht have been on display for decades two recently in the UK. However you will also find a lot of dead links , wonder why that is.
And, speaking of dinosaurs...