I'm no military expert... But that dude standing at the foot of the plane stairs looks so not legit it's funny. Especially the slouched stance, the ray
bans and the night optics in the middle of the day... Are they even trying anymore or has our military leadership become that much of a joke under biden?
Sounds like the 'day late and a dollar short' guy.
Interesting, I wonder what's really going on there in Afghanistan.
We're probably not getting any of the truth about it.
He says, “In defense of”....GEOTUS would have gone on offense.
I'm no military expert... But that dude standing at the foot of the plane stairs looks so not legit it's funny. Especially the slouched stance, the ray bans and the night optics in the middle of the day... Are they even trying anymore or has our military leadership become that much of a joke under biden?