Why can't we do both? Why can't we fight on the local level AND have the military do their thing? The dems use every resource they have to get what they want, while the republicans usually sit on their asses and complain. We need to start fighting back on the community level as well.
But about Military being the only way?
Why can't we do both? Why can't we fight on the local level AND have the military do their thing? The dems use every resource they have to get what they want, while the republicans usually sit on their asses and complain. We need to start fighting back on the community level as well.
Right? Whatever happened to sit back and enjoy the show?
You guys are THINK-ing too much
I think it could be all three together
There is no plan.there was a plan and it didnt quite work out.
Q also said that disinfo is real and necessary. Maybe the military being the only way was disinfo to fool the enemy?
How exactly are the American people supposed to stop these tyrants with no organization or financing? That's what the damn military is for!
What something is for is beyond the point. Virtually everything in this country has been perverted into serving a purpose it wasn't created for.