Obama let out the Taliban that just took over Afghanistan. Clinton let out the Weather Underground (Weathermen), one of which became Obamas mentor and another runs the money side of BLM; Susan Rosenberg, and SHE actually DID bombed the US Capitol! Tons of our issues have been directly caused snd orchestrated by these released people.
It appears to be a pattern. Perhaps if we actually serve real and true justice to them, like when they killed Lincoln, they'd not come back so quickly. They will come back in some form again tho. Evil always does.
Yes, death does need to be the ultimate punishment for treason.
That does not mean it has to be a quick or unimaginable pain free death.
They needs to be dismembered digit by digit, while watching their children be dismembered digit by digit.
About halfway through they need to be set on fire, just only enough to scorch not enough to cause death.
Dismemberment will resume.
People who commit treason should be an example to everyone of the most horrific painful humiliating slow path to ultimately dying from it all.
We are brother from another mother. I have said this on here many times before. Publicly torture, humiliate and then kill all these treasonous bastards. Then we start our limited government over with the constitution, AS WRITTEN, with no made up bullshit inferred special rights and privileges. Moving forward, any citizen showing signs of being communist or expressing Marxist ideologies gets a trial then upon finding of guilt, stripped of citizenship and removed from this country. Preferably being airdropped over the middle east
They talk about the pendulum swinging. Well it is swinging far and wide conservative.
I hope we are learning a serious hard lesson about tolerance with this shit. I accept that tolerance is needed but there needs to be diligently kept rules and limits in it. Also a realization that if even though it looks human, it does not mean they are.
No more of this shooting ourselves in the foot with being TOO NICE for our own good.