Research Quantum Echos. It’s still a new Quantum theory supposedly for upcoming Quantum Computers. But then again, I think the military has had Quantum Computers longer than most people know, at least 3-4 years. And when did the Q-Drops pop up….hmmm… 3 years ago.
Correct. Q= Quantum Computer spitting out Quantum Bundled probabilities. 4593 of them (Q-Drops) that we know of, or are public. But not all of them equaled to much. But about 1000 or just shy less are right on point. I wonder how many total probabilities were spit out to narrow it down to those 4500plus that were more probable? Now put the theory of Quantum Echos to this. And that is how the correct ones became the statement Future Proves Past. Again, I wonder who was piggy backing these Echo’s onto the Quantum Bundles our Q-Team received? Go ahead and research Quantum Echos… it is mind blowing, and then you’ll understand what my theory here is. And as an Anon, I think this was my part to figure out and teach to others.
Research Quantum Echos. It’s still a new Quantum theory supposedly for upcoming Quantum Computers. But then again, I think the military has had Quantum Computers longer than most people know, at least 3-4 years. And when did the Q-Drops pop up….hmmm… 3 years ago.
Correct. Q= Quantum Computer spitting out Quantum Bundled probabilities. 4593 of them (Q-Drops) that we know of, or are public. But not all of them equaled to much. But about 1000 or just shy less are right on point. I wonder how many total probabilities were spit out to narrow it down to those 4500plus that were more probable? Now put the theory of Quantum Echos to this. And that is how the correct ones became the statement Future Proves Past. Again, I wonder who was piggy backing these Echo’s onto the Quantum Bundles our Q-Team received? Go ahead and research Quantum Echos… it is mind blowing, and then you’ll understand what my theory here is. And as an Anon, I think this was my part to figure out and teach to others.