At first it felt difficult to refute, because that personal relationship with someone is hard to overcome. And I get it, we don't want to believe that people who, in some cases, have literally had our lives in their hands, could be compromised.
But I can't get over the 2020 Flu Data and the PCR testing debacle. The 2020 flu data suggests that EVERY hospital, doctor's office, pediatric office, urgent care, etc. in the COUNTRY was compromised. Even if their intentions are good, they've operated, issued diagnoses, and made decisions with BAD information and bad tools.
The discussion about the vaccine needs to change: At this point. People who are going to do it will do it.
The question left is this.
Do we allow them to force a vaccine on us for the rest of our lives on a repeated cycle.
When I talk to most pro vaccine people. Most of them think it’s a one time deal.
We just ask them.
Are they ok with doing it for life.
This is good thinking. To keep it simple with normies.
I just ask them how do you feel about keep doing this over and over again. Most haven't thought about that. Because they think it's really a one time deal.