None are 'approved'. I fear for the kids who will probably go and get anymore of this poison injected into them for the privilege of being in huge debt for a sub standard education.
If and when that happens, I would be comfortable and unconflicted in passing sentence against all FDA staff for being willing participants in mass murder. They have been able to keep a somewhat moral position up to now.. but if they officially endorse substances that according to VAERS have killed upward of 50k citizens, then they are dead men walking.
Just like all those who signed endorsements and certifications of faulty election results they knew were bad. The crime doesn't go away by doing that, it just gets broader and encompasses a wider group of criminals.
Sadly your are probably correct. Whatever date they set as the "deadline" the FDA will give approval to the shot a few days, it's coming.
The value of that degree just keeps plummetting. Anyone graduating in 21 and later is now unhireable. Why would you want to hire a weak person who succumbs to illogical peer pressure to get a worthless degree in woke theory?
What skills or values could that person possibly bring to the table?
Dec 4 2020:
“What’s with the Government COVID Vaccine Cards?”
Reason provided: "“The two leading vaccine candidates from Pfizer and Moderna each require two doses. In addition, the immunizations are not interchangeable, so it is critical people know which vaccine they’ve received before getting their second shots”
Jan 2 2021
"England health officials defend contingency plan to mix Covid Vaccines”
None are 'approved'. I fear for the kids who will probably go and get anymore of this poison injected into them for the privilege of being in huge debt for a sub standard education.
They will be "approved" tomorrow, they are just getting the word out ahead of time.
If and when that happens, I would be comfortable and unconflicted in passing sentence against all FDA staff for being willing participants in mass murder. They have been able to keep a somewhat moral position up to now.. but if they officially endorse substances that according to VAERS have killed upward of 50k citizens, then they are dead men walking.
Just like all those who signed endorsements and certifications of faulty election results they knew were bad. The crime doesn't go away by doing that, it just gets broader and encompasses a wider group of criminals.
Maybe this is the plan
Sadly your are probably correct. Whatever date they set as the "deadline" the FDA will give approval to the shot a few days, it's coming.
Still never getting it....just saying.
The value of that degree just keeps plummetting. Anyone graduating in 21 and later is now unhireable. Why would you want to hire a weak person who succumbs to illogical peer pressure to get a worthless degree in woke theory?
What skills or values could that person possibly bring to the table?
Dec 4 2020: “What’s with the Government COVID Vaccine Cards?” Reason provided: "“The two leading vaccine candidates from Pfizer and Moderna each require two doses. In addition, the immunizations are not interchangeable, so it is critical people know which vaccine they’ve received before getting their second shots”
Jan 2 2021 "England health officials defend contingency plan to mix Covid Vaccines”
J&J should mix for boosters:
July 26 2021: “Mixed AstraZeneca-Pfizer shot boosts COVID antibody level - study”
Mixed dose Death:
The booster jab(s) will also be mandated.
And every other jab they have in line waiting for approval. This is just the beginning. We will lose the right to our medical freedom forever.
Quit the school. Now. Your health and your life are worth more than a degree from this woke place.
"Shown to be effective"? That rules all of them out, doesn't it?