He just sent out this fundraising email moments ago. Look at what he says he was right about. Logical thinking is required by those who read it. For example…a logical person should ask, “if HCQ works (or anything else) why do we (I) need a vaccine?” Here’s what the email said:
Remember when I said the China Virus came from a Chinese lab, and the Left and their friends in the media tried to SMEAR me?
I do. And I also remember when they said I was wrong about all of the following (spoiler: I was RIGHT AGAIN):
We did produce vaccines before the end of 2020, in record time I might add.
Our Southern Border security program was unprecedentedly successful.
Schools should be opened.
Hydroxychloroquine works.
The “Russian Bounties” story was fake.
Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.
Blue state lockdowns didn’t work.
Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op.
Critical Race Theory is a disaster for our schools and our Country.
So, the media was wrong - as usual - but so far, I’ve received NO apologies, NO retractions, nothing.
I know YOU always believed in me and will ALWAYS stand with me, which is why I’m calling on you now to step up and publicly show your support.
It just dawned on me what he's doing (in theory). The manufacturing of mRNA gene therapy shots "in record time" is the focus.
He's telling us they already had the technology developed and he's trying to expose this fact.
We should be focusing on this collusion aspect, as it's likely part of the proof of criminal intent, and mass murder.
What's most notable is what isn't said. Trump never says to get the shots or that they're safe.
He’s said get the shot multiple times.
I was referring to the above post.
I don't understand why we are STILL having this debate. Who cares what he says?