I'm having a hell of a time getting anything. 32oz jars are unavailable at walmart. my frys and safeway dont carry them. I've read everywhere to ask baking depts for frosting pails but have had no luck...
I've been looking at getting some 5 gallon pails but those suckers are expensive shipped. I go through beans and rice like crazy so I wouldn't mind having a couple hundred pounds of them around
Anyone have any frugal tips?
Thanks Frens
I avoid walmart as much as possible, I buy 5 gallon food grade buckets from Tractor supply. I also bought some 6 gallon beer brewing buckets awhile back I can use if needed.
Also, depending on what you are storing food wise and how shelf stable you intend the food to be, you could get some food grade Mylar bags. You would likely need some equipment to allow you to seal them, and it would be a good idea to get some food grade oxygen absorber packets. Vacuum seal the bags with an oxygen absorber packet and store in your 5 gallon bucket
For sure, I mainly keep rice, beans, flour, sugar in them. I do vacuum seal most into smaller portion size because I buy the bigger bags. It adds up pretty quick if you buy just a bag of beans, and a bag of rice even just once a month. You'll have your 5 gallon buckets filled in no time. Also the silica packets you get in other stuff are worth hanging onto.
you can use an iron to seal them with. Or a hair straightener - usually pick either up at a goodwill type store for $3-$4