35 An interesting find whilst researching another subject: 50USC 1520 Restrictions on use of Human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents. posted 3 years ago by MordenGeist 3 years ago by MordenGeist +35 / -0 COVID Vax, anyone? 50USC 1520 5 comments share 5 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Yes but read b(1). Gives permission right there.
Never said for or against, but that it was relevant to the COVID vax 👍
It’s all good. Sorry should have stated I researched these a while ago and unfortunately our codes allow this stuff for emergencies. It’s the mandates they can’t do of course with certain religious or health exceptions.
But the trial isn’t over for two more years.
Just offered more interesting things relevant to whats going on is all, no opinions.
People can make their own conclusions based on the link.