I remember watching the youtube vid with her saying it. It was side by side with what went out over the BBC, which was apparently on delay because the BBC was able to remove that part in real time as it was being broadcast.
That's how I remember it, I couldn't find the video of it though. I remember it being just a few days after her saying it. maybe a couple of weeks tops.
I believe we killed him when we bruised him under tons of rubble in that Afghani cave system he was hiding out in. Which would be well before this. But that's just my theory.
Yeah, I believe he was dead long before the supposed raid. I just remember finding it strange that shortly after hearing Benazir say he was dead in the interview, she was assassinated. I guess it wasn't as short of a time period as I remembered, but within 2 years is still shortly after imo.
I remember that very clearly. It only took a few weeks. And a few weeks after Joan Rivers said Michelle was a tranny, she died. And a few weeks after Eyes Wide Shut was aired, Stanley Kubrick was dead. And then there are the red ribbon door knob murders, and the dead scientists list, and....
I remember her she was pretty cool.
Edit: They tried to say that she accidentally killed herself on the gear stick of the car ducking a gunshot sound iirc. It was retarded.
I remember watching the youtube vid with her saying it. It was side by side with what went out over the BBC, which was apparently on delay because the BBC was able to remove that part in real time as it was being broadcast.
And a few days later she was dead.
That's how I remember it, I couldn't find the video of it though. I remember it being just a few days after her saying it. maybe a couple of weeks tops.
Here is a link to the video: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x35yvqe
I believe we killed him when we bruised him under tons of rubble in that Afghani cave system he was hiding out in. Which would be well before this. But that's just my theory.
Yeah, I believe he was dead long before the supposed raid. I just remember finding it strange that shortly after hearing Benazir say he was dead in the interview, she was assassinated. I guess it wasn't as short of a time period as I remembered, but within 2 years is still shortly after imo.
Why wouldn't Bush take credit, then?
Why would Bush remove his excuse to remain in Afghanistan?
I remember that very clearly. It only took a few weeks. And a few weeks after Joan Rivers said Michelle was a tranny, she died. And a few weeks after Eyes Wide Shut was aired, Stanley Kubrick was dead. And then there are the red ribbon door knob murders, and the dead scientists list, and....
I remember her she was pretty cool. Edit: They tried to say that she accidentally killed herself on the gear stick of the car ducking a gunshot sound iirc. It was retarded.
I remember.
I remember
so did Madeleine Albright.