Not just in the presidential election either. I mean, senate, house, state senate/house, other elected offices, yadda yadda yadda.
Personally, I think it's probably somewhere along the lines of Tennessee or South Dakota. 20%+ in the presidential election election, super majority in both houses of the state legislature, every state wide office should be conservative, both federal senators being conservative, and only like 5 max democrat representatives.
I also have this this sneaking suspicion that Arizona is going to blow the lid off the narrative that minorities vote overwhelmingly democrat, maybe not with THIS audit, but from what I understand they're already talking about a second more in depth audit to determine things like that, as well as any statewide offices and legislature seats that were affected in the last 4 elections since they're all invalid thanks to the machines not being certified.
Well, if folks like Stephen Richer are considered "red" I have to wonder what difference it makes how red Arizona is.
As I listened to Senator+Patriot+My Hero Karen Fann, this isn't about red or blue (unless you are talking about pills rather than political parties). This is about TRUTH and INTEGRITY.
Every voter should care about this audit and give it honest consideration. Voting for our leaders has become tainted and polluted by politics. Just like businesses can be tainted and polluted and neutered by politics, our process of selecting our leaders has also. I don't even like the label politics. It lessens and degrades what our vote is about.
I don't apologize. I feel very strongly about this and I am pretty perturbed that this process was raped and ruined like "they" have done to it. Cheapened it with "their" cheating.
I look forward to reading the TRUTH from this historic AZ Audit. I will wait patiently for our turn to read it, thanking God for all the patriots who worked to bring us the TRUTH. I remember well the historic transparency in which this audit was done, with gratitude.
Richer is a ringer. We were on to Fuentes, he had to go. Replaced with a Republican who would look askance?