Jovan Pulitzer says the Arizona audit report is going to be a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/boom-scale-1-10-say-12-jovan-pulitzer-seriousness-audit-results-197-pages-arizona-audit-report/
CBS poll says majority of US voters do not believe Biden is competent https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/22/cbs-poll-majority-americans-not-believe-biden-competent/
White House omitted record of Macron’s demand that Biden shows moral responsibility about Afghan disaster https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/biden-admin-omitted-impassioned-plea-emanuel-macron-show-moral-responsibility-afghanistan-white-house-readout-hid-american-public/
Sec of Defense contradicts Biden’s statements on Taliban threat https://www.foxnews.com/politics/defense-secretary-intel-assessment-taliban-biden-afghanistan
Wisconsin’s Speaker traveled with Trump to Alabama rally, is Wisconsin audit coming soon? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/huge-news-wisconsin-speaker-vos-traveled-president-trump-alabama-rally-time-vos-back-forensic-audit-resign/
Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias leaves firm just before Durham reports is expected to drop https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/22/democrat-election-lawyer-russia-hoaxer-marc-elias-leaves-perkins-coie-ahead-of-durham-report/
Pelosi hosts fundraising dinner in Napa Valley full of white, maskless, rich people https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1429576305146834951
CDC and media try to push narrative that 61% of Americans are vaccinated, but data shows it’s half that https://www.europereloaded.com/cdc-and-media-say-61-of-americans-are-vaxxed-but-data-shows-it-is-32
See you tomorrow.
I would not trust the pharmaceutical companies to not have altered the original shots to make them more deadly now for those who did not comply in the beginning. I will never trust another doctor, hospital, pharmaceutical company, government, police officer again without questioning actions and motives. Please do not follow your doctors blindly. Some are in the profession for profit, others (who are forced to see a patient quota, by the hospital they are affiliated with) simply are overwhelmed, can’t remember everything about a patient and don’t have time to review the chart before the next patient. I have personally done my own research on every medication or act the doctors advised for myself and my husband and have found contraindications to his and her advise in many instances. You must do your own research! New diagnosis? Review your medication list for contraindications. New diagnosis? New diet for the diagnosis? Don’t rely on the doctor to know because they only know very basics about diet/nutrition. The nurses, hospitals, doctors send you home on a new diet but don’t tell you anything about it. Don’t send in a dietician for instruction or refer you to a dietician outpatient. You need to read, inform yourself and/or ask for a referral. Not once has any doctor encouraged my husband to see a dietician for his diabetes and renal disease. Fortunately I am a nurse, and know dietary basics for both, but researched further and know how to cook based on these two diseases. Based on that my husband has gone from Stage 5 renal disease to just shy of stage 3. You MUST question everything and demand what you know to be safe and effective. It is your life, not the doctor’s the nurses’ or the hospital’s. You are simply a financial cow or burden to them depending on how expeditiously they can treat you. Time is money-the longer you remain in the hospital, the more money they lose. Your length of stay is often paid as a lump sum for a procedure. Hence, if you have knee surgery, they will try to discharge you the same day using the Covid excuse. You just had a baby-1 day stay d/t Covid; had a Caesarean section? 2 day stay d/t Covid.
Reminds me of this side by side CDC video recently posted: https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/082/660/232/original/4738eedb5723c4a1.mp4
Awesome post. I agree 💯
You are absolutely right. I do more research on health and food now than ever before. The doctors will force you onto any prescription that you will accept. I am reading Food Forensics by Mike Adams now. Amazing how much we are being poisoned, and letting them do it to us.