Thanks. Yeah. I've had this image in my head for months as I've watch them flailing around, desperately trying to cause damage, wanting so bad to hurt others, no repentance, only inchoate anger... while knowing full well that no matter what they did, they were doomed. Truly doomed.
One day, for sure, I'll be dying, and the next I'll be dead. But I'm never doomed, because I love the truth, and I love Jesus.
These monsters... they ARE doomed.
And they know it.
Of course, they still have an out, the same "out" that I have, but dollars-to-demons, they won't take it, because they are too proud and too hateful; too far gone.
Unfortunately they are looking to do maximum carnage before they go down. A lot of people will be hurt.
Stay safe out there.
That’s the right takeaway.
This is fine.
Thanks. Yeah. I've had this image in my head for months as I've watch them flailing around, desperately trying to cause damage, wanting so bad to hurt others, no repentance, only inchoate anger... while knowing full well that no matter what they did, they were doomed. Truly doomed.
One day, for sure, I'll be dying, and the next I'll be dead. But I'm never doomed, because I love the truth, and I love Jesus.
These monsters... they ARE doomed.
And they know it.
Of course, they still have an out, the same "out" that I have, but dollars-to-demons, they won't take it, because they are too proud and too hateful; too far gone.
Well done
Becoming a human Oscar.
Except this time Arnie flips you the bird on the way down instead of a thumbs up.