Hi, recently, maybe a week or two ago, someone posted an excellent article / blog post that laid out the history of all the various reasons someone might be hesitant to get this covid vaxx. I thought I saved it, but I don't have it .. if you do or have a link to it, please post it here for me. It's worth a read for those who haven't seen it. Thanks.
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Not sure about that one but here is one:
Thank you. That's not the one I meant, but that one is great too. I appreciate it.
Thanks. I think the one I was referring to is more recent. And a bit more accusatory, lol.
Here you go. I read and watch so much good stuff here it sometimes gets jumbled up in my mind. This was not strictly about covid / vaxx but it was such an excellent lead up to the WHY people are hesitant (in part). Great read. Thanks, fren.