I hope this isn't true, but...best find out now and start looking into it.
I hope this isn't true, but...best find out now and start looking into it.
This is the 3rd time in two months this is through, both other times no evidence, and no supporting info. In fact the opposit was being reported with LOTS of anecdotal stories.
Have seen multiple videos of farmers explaining exactly what OP's saying.. Can search this board to see them.
I don't think people should view stickies as some sort of assertion of fact.
My take on the "stickies" is that it's something worthy of atten or at least reading. Nothing more.
Not at all, more to the point this is a repeat topic that has been discussed a lot, with more information in older posts.
New people benefit from old or repeat content true, I've missed stuff myself. However, this topic, while dubious at best, has had repeat, fairly thourough discussion on many other threads to the point this could be considered slider fodder. Do a quick search on farmer or crop and you can have all the discussion coverage you could want.
Agreed and if you guys don’t think this is a real possibility you are crazy. It’s not like Bill Gates and the clan haven’t been pushing fake vegan meat and eating bugs as part of our future. Also buying up fuck loads of farmland for themselves. Pretty obvious to me.
Tim pool had an anecdote where he talked to a farmer who was told not to sell, this was a few months ago
people often mistake the policy of paying farmers to let feilds sit for a year to regenerate with "paying farmers to destroy crops"...
but if they actually are paying them to destroy perfectly good crops then we should know about it.
In the upper NY area in the late 60s there was a story about a farmer that bought a Cadillac with his subsidies to keep the land fallow-most of his land..