Hi, just a friendly request for those who post here. When you post, particularly if your post is of an informative nature and one people here might want to save, please be sure to put some helpful words in the title so it will be easy to search for later.
For instance, instead of, "Well look at this " put specific info like, 'Jovan Pulitzer refers to Arizona Audit as ... " etc.
It will make searching for a post or finding a saved post a lot easier. Thank you.
Can add "get in here!!" to the don't use title, sure sign of a shill, handshake, or sleeper account. Someone was teasing on another thread(was a funny comment btw) about clickbaity titles. We don't need clickbaity shit here, we need solid information, posting clickbait crap for points helps the movement how again?
There hasn't been a Q drop since Dec 2020, and likely that was the last, which I feel has resulted in people creating lower quality posts -- no real inspiration so to speak. We need more devolution quality material, more majick eyes quality material. We need good questions asked, insightful observations posted. Not 23 posts of the same meme, or a meme from last year, if it is relevant again sure, but posting something to garner points b/c you think no one will remember it, doesn't quite help aside from a frivolous ego boost based on ethereal internet points.
I wish we had a pop out chat window or had an official telegram channel, I think this would reduce some of the needless clutter.
We need to correct course and get this ship pointed in the right direction again. A lot of people get information here which equates to a lot of opportunities to redpill and pass on quality information from those that visit to the friends/relatives they speak with. This isn't a gripe at the mods as I think they do pretty well given the traffic we see, but relevant stickies, thought provoking topics, calls for research are what we need.
We're in a crunch stage in this information war, we need to have better, more accurate, verified, and a faster outlay of information than the media/cabal puts out.
WE are the people that Q charged to inform others, that should be taken seriously. We lose this country, we lose the world.
I found it very helpful to block the chronic meme posters; the people who only repost articles from other sources without any commentary; and people who post eight times an hour with nothing but a link, if that. They don't offer anything to my experience and I am not missing a thing by not seeing it.
I did that for a while and stopped. I am going to start doing that again, thanks for the reminder. +1
it's super helpful