Kanye West - satanic ritual?
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His Born Again evangelical performances were full of it. This leopard has not changed his spots.
Where's the UFO?
Sorry it’s TikTok.. only place I could find it. This is from his listen party in Atlanta.
Apparently everyone in the crowd was spooked. Some saying security would let them leave during the event. Kanye said he needed the crowds energy. People in all black circling him while he pranced around in a black cape… ending with him levatating.
People on this site saying they like him. Well apparently so does the church of Satan.
Yep, he was in that video about Satanists and freemasonry.... I'm not shocked.
Have you see that video?
If you haven't see it here it is..
It's REALLY long, but it opened my eyes to what is going on... made me rethink my non-belief a lot...
Why does atlyan say about him?
Thanks for sharing. I did read it all.
I have not, but would like to see it. But here’s another clip from this concert:
Donda is his mother.
There’s also a clip of him being asked what his biggest sacrifice was to make it as a rapper.. and he said his mom.. something really creepy about a lot of clips you find of him.
I think he’s either satanic, or he used by satanists.
Yeah, well according to that video I watched, it's a majority of Hollywood and government.
That’s not what it looks like at this Donda concert. Creepy stuff.
You probably have to go find more clips of it. I described it in one of the other comments in this thread.
If a grown man putting on a black cape, surrounded by all people in black waving their hands in the air with church like music on isn’t creepy then you might watch too many movies or something. Not to mention him chanting his deceased mother’s name repeatedly, and eventually elevating up into the sky…