read my context, I am replying to someone saying he knows it is the death shot. If it is truly the death shot optics don't matter, you come out swinging to stop it and alert as many as you can. This means one of 3 things
It isn't the death shot
It is the death shot, but white hats swapped product with saline or something
It is the death shot and Trump is knowingly pushing it
I think it is 1 or 2, if it is 3, Trump is not who we think he is.
Pure logic! I think the same, plus I think option 3 is mathematical impossible. If you want mass depopulation Hillary was the best choice. Why push Trump as controlled opposition and after try to fuck him at every turn. It doesn't make any sense.
I agree, 3 is extremely unlikely, but I list it to show I am considering all angles. Our minds are definitely logical, I have thought the same thing you just said, why would you prop Trump up if he was on the cabals side. There was no need to do it. If they had all power and hillary they could keep moving slowly taking freedoms without anyone fighting against them. Well stated.
Vaers IS for anyone to report anything, with no verification. I wonder why they are letting that happen? It doesn't seem like their MO. They like control. But, for theory let's assume it IS correct. 7000 deaths is still only .ooo19% of all who have had vaccine. My job made me get it in March. I'm fine. (Yes, we tried magnets, with mixed results) I do not think Trump would ever say "get it, it's good" if it wasn't. Period. I think Nuerotic Fisherman is right. Hillary would have been their go to for a deadly vax.
It's obvious that it's 1. One thing that baffles me is how much the antivaxx trend is within our movement. Trump would not mislead us like that, and forgive me if I missed it, but I don't remember any drops saying not to trust the vaccine specifically. Maybe I missed them? Trump would not be promoting the vaccines if they were bad. I think this has all been a big psyop of fear to push division when there should be none.
I myself took the vaccine. I haven't had any negative effects at all. I'm probably an oddity around here, to but I believe in a lot of modern western medicine. I have autoimmune issues and mental health issues where medications make a very real and measurable improvement in my life every day. Say wherever you want about how much big pharma is screwing us all, cuz they certainly are, us chronic patients the most, but I can't argue with the results in my life, and I continue to trust the Drs in my life until I see bad effects in my life or whatever. But I continue to have large benefits from them, so I'll continue to trust them and Trump and trust that vaccines are the normal, good science that they are. There's always been vaccines for all sorts of things. Never in my whole life have I seen such discord over vaccines, when they've been required for kids school, or college, the military, I had to take a vaccine to go on my church mission trip to Mississippi after hurricane Katrina because of all the standing water and debris and whatnot.
Bottom line is this is all disinformation and making us focus on the wrong things. It's like we're all getting completely sidetracked with vaccines anymore, rather than focusing on what Q spoke to us about the elite. Big pharma may n be part of it, but all this vaccine stuff seems like it's completely derailed where we anons were heading before. Anyway, just my two cents.
you may be right, but this is not a traditional vaccine. The virus has a low mortality rate. It doesnt make sense that it is being pushed so hard. But maybe that is oart of the psyop. Push something that is not necessary like it is biggest savior to mankind.
I wont take it, b/c I dont feel in danger from the virus. But it could very well be safe. Although that would mean VAERS reports are made up amd Zelenko is full of shit. They are definitely trying to confuse us.
read my context, I am replying to someone saying he knows it is the death shot. If it is truly the death shot optics don't matter, you come out swinging to stop it and alert as many as you can. This means one of 3 things
I think it is 1 or 2, if it is 3, Trump is not who we think he is.
Pure logic! I think the same, plus I think option 3 is mathematical impossible. If you want mass depopulation Hillary was the best choice. Why push Trump as controlled opposition and after try to fuck him at every turn. It doesn't make any sense.
I agree, 3 is extremely unlikely, but I list it to show I am considering all angles. Our minds are definitely logical, I have thought the same thing you just said, why would you prop Trump up if he was on the cabals side. There was no need to do it. If they had all power and hillary they could keep moving slowly taking freedoms without anyone fighting against them. Well stated.
Vaers IS for anyone to report anything, with no verification. I wonder why they are letting that happen? It doesn't seem like their MO. They like control. But, for theory let's assume it IS correct. 7000 deaths is still only .ooo19% of all who have had vaccine. My job made me get it in March. I'm fine. (Yes, we tried magnets, with mixed results) I do not think Trump would ever say "get it, it's good" if it wasn't. Period. I think Nuerotic Fisherman is right. Hillary would have been their go to for a deadly vax.
It's obvious that it's 1. One thing that baffles me is how much the antivaxx trend is within our movement. Trump would not mislead us like that, and forgive me if I missed it, but I don't remember any drops saying not to trust the vaccine specifically. Maybe I missed them? Trump would not be promoting the vaccines if they were bad. I think this has all been a big psyop of fear to push division when there should be none.
I myself took the vaccine. I haven't had any negative effects at all. I'm probably an oddity around here, to but I believe in a lot of modern western medicine. I have autoimmune issues and mental health issues where medications make a very real and measurable improvement in my life every day. Say wherever you want about how much big pharma is screwing us all, cuz they certainly are, us chronic patients the most, but I can't argue with the results in my life, and I continue to trust the Drs in my life until I see bad effects in my life or whatever. But I continue to have large benefits from them, so I'll continue to trust them and Trump and trust that vaccines are the normal, good science that they are. There's always been vaccines for all sorts of things. Never in my whole life have I seen such discord over vaccines, when they've been required for kids school, or college, the military, I had to take a vaccine to go on my church mission trip to Mississippi after hurricane Katrina because of all the standing water and debris and whatnot.
Bottom line is this is all disinformation and making us focus on the wrong things. It's like we're all getting completely sidetracked with vaccines anymore, rather than focusing on what Q spoke to us about the elite. Big pharma may n be part of it, but all this vaccine stuff seems like it's completely derailed where we anons were heading before. Anyway, just my two cents.
you may be right, but this is not a traditional vaccine. The virus has a low mortality rate. It doesnt make sense that it is being pushed so hard. But maybe that is oart of the psyop. Push something that is not necessary like it is biggest savior to mankind.
I wont take it, b/c I dont feel in danger from the virus. But it could very well be safe. Although that would mean VAERS reports are made up amd Zelenko is full of shit. They are definitely trying to confuse us.