Fucking embarrassing. This is what happens when the military goes woke. Fucking nasty lesbo. I'm comforted knowing the megan rapinHoes of the world are in my military. That fucking butch better remember the millions of us that once served still remember how to kill and we have alot of weapons. Martial law us under this fake ass president and see what the fuck happens.
She fails to see who the military are made up of. Yes please start guning down citizens for not going into their house. You won't piss of your fellow non fag military, or 100 million Americans. Even if the military didn't fall apart they only have 1 million people. 100+million vs 1million who would win.
Leftists like her have no idea the rage we feel. If it comes down to us and we explode they will cease to exist. Perhaps for our childrens future it needs to happen.
Fucking embarrassing. This is what happens when the military goes woke. Fucking nasty lesbo. I'm comforted knowing the megan rapinHoes of the world are in my military. That fucking butch better remember the millions of us that once served still remember how to kill and we have alot of weapons. Martial law us under this fake ass president and see what the fuck happens.
She fails to see who the military are made up of. Yes please start guning down citizens for not going into their house. You won't piss of your fellow non fag military, or 100 million Americans. Even if the military didn't fall apart they only have 1 million people. 100+million vs 1million who would win.
Came to say something similar. They have no idea.
Leftists like her have no idea the rage we feel. If it comes down to us and we explode they will cease to exist. Perhaps for our childrens future it needs to happen.