The Q psychological operation has had two main functions.
Put fear into the deep state and global elites so that they unveil their weapons via their actions or via insecure communications. Then those weapons can then be found and deactivated. You make the deep state fearful and confused by hinting at potential moves against it. So, an important part of the Q psychological operation was producing disinformation.
The other important function of Q psychological operation is to encourage regular patriotic citizens to be patient and not take direct unorganized violent actions like attacking certain government offices controlled by the deep state (ie. The FBI) If the Q psychological operation was a disinformation campaign run by the deep state, Trump would be unlikely to be fooled so much so that he would decide to coordinate his actions with the Q operation.
People who have a good understanding of statistics and probability know that there are various mathematical Q-proofs which demonstrate that Trump was aware of the actions of the Q psychological operation and was coordinating his words and actions with that operation.
Now if you are the deep state and you do realize that a psychological operation is being run against you, what you do is you try your best to discredit that operation. Having control over most of the mass media makes that a pretty easy job. Most people are not going to make the effort to visit the websites that the Q operation was using in order to see the evidence for themselves.
Once your attempt to discredit the Q operation is done, you then link that operation to any information or movements that you wish to discredit. For example you might make an attempt to link the Q operation to the “flat earth” movement or try to link all anti-vaxxers back to the Q operation.
Now, let me address your concerns about date fagging. Date fagging is when someone interprets a Q posting to mean that Event X is supposed to happen on a certain day or during a certain period. But there’s a problem; purpose number one (making the deep state fearful and confused) and purpose number two (giving regular people hope) are in conflict.
That’s where we start to see how some Q-Anon’s are causing some problems. A Qanon could be an honest and hopeful patriot trying to predict something that they don’t completely understand or a Qanon could be a deep state plant who is working to discredit the Q operation and dishearten its followers.
The idea that the entire Q operation is a deep state or globalist run disinformation plan only works if you assume that Trump and the white hats are complete idiots.
Date fagging could be a good thing in a way, keeps the deep state second guessing. If someone does a Q decode, throws out a date and we all rally around that date, the deep may then feel it needs to counter with some shady shit, expending ammo.
Arizona audit people have been date fagging us for the last 4 months. Trump admin was date fagging us for years with the declass. If you can't handle the disappointment of a date that comes and goes without getting depressed, you might need to walk away for a while and find a job in a flower shop.
If you always remember you are watching a movie, it makes it much easier to maintain your sanity. Keep munching that popcorn.