posted ago by ThebigLMAOski17 ago by ThebigLMAOski17 +8 / -0

Anything solid ever come from those?

A lot of discoveries in Q research happen months and sometimes years after the drop... one i've never seen much discussion on were the multiple drops where Q seems to hint that they had evidence of certain people being in china on certain dates...

With all we now know about china playing a key role in the orchestrated destruction of the United States, i'm even more interested in any research or facts that came from those drops.

Anyone have any more info? all i remember was at least two pictures... one of the front of what looked like a coffee shop with outdoor seating, and the other was a picture of a street corner.

These could have been a series of pictures but those were the subject matter, it's been so long now it's hard to remember and i can't find them.

Anyone here know the pics i'm talking about and/or what ever became of the research into those drops?