Checked the local feed store, none.
Checked the website known for supplying tractors, also none.
Every online resource (tbf I only went through 3-4) for locating 1.78% Ivermectin paste is just... gone.
I got some in the mail, but hot dang does this A. Confirm this actually works & B. Tells me things are beginning to heat up.
While I wouldn't want to inject anything, if a person is desperate, and if it's true that it's the same medicine, just 'labeled' for an animal, then they may feel they have no choice. Someone here claims to have been using the injectable version on themselves for a long time.
You're an idiot if you believe everyone here has your best interests in mind A troll or commie would love to convince someonetodo that. I don't care if you inject yourself with animal meds, but its still stupid.