California assembly bill AB455 aims to block the unvaccinated from doing basically everything short of staying inside your house. Of course everyone is up in arms to defeat this bill, and as a person who will never get this shot, I'm obviously very concerned. However, after thinking about it, I'm not really sure if it would be better if it is defeated, or if it is passed. Let me (try to) explain...
For the past year and half most of society has been obeying these "steps." 15 days to slow the spread. Then another step to wear a mask. Then another step to no church, or indoor dining. Then another step to get a vax and you won't have to wear the mask. Then another step to "haha, tricked you, even if you got the vax you need to wear the mask again." And on and on... Each time there is another "step" taking away a bit more freedom, then a bit more, then a bit more, and bit by bit we progress to a position where it's eventually too far gone to recover from. People look back at Germany with Hitler and the Nazis and ask "how did the people allow it to get to that point?" This is exactly how, bit by bit, one step at a time.
So I was thinking, what if AB455 passes. That isn't just another "step" that's one giant leap all the way to (the precipice?) Would that be the breaking point where people (at least in our state) finally stopped obeying and fought back? Half of society is so naive, weak, and brainwashed that they have allowed things to escalate bit by bit, without much resistance. Maybe what we actually need is a giant leap straight to a doomsday situation, like AB455 passing, to finally shake these people awake.
Frog in the boiling pot
The frog was boiled so long ago, the bones have also disappeared. They have been using this tactic for decades.
Death by 10k papercuts.
How do u build a Global Enslaving and Killing Machine w/out anyone noticing ?
Slowly....... Piece by Piece.
California is already in a doomsday scenario. Given it is CA it is better that the bill doesn't pass in the first place.
That still leaves many other issues to tackle in CA.
Newsom is the main problem, so fingers crossed about the recall.
To be honest, in my area (south Orange County) the biggest obstacle I had last year was the gym being closed. Our police/sheriff didn't enforce any of Newsom's asinine mandates, so a lot of restaurants stayed opened (and thrived) when they were supposed to be take-out only. I never wore a mask anywhere and have never been hassled about it, yet ironically I was harassed by two businesses for no mask in Florida (which is supposed to be the freedom capital of the nation) during a trip a few months ago.
It's all "red" near me, I'd say 75% of the people, and over the past couple of months houses are now flying our flag in crazy numbers. I'm 54 and have lived here my whole life and have NEVER seen anything like this, not after 9/11, never.
It's so crazy that I can drive less than an hour to LA and it's a completely different world. Zombie apocalypse of the masked, dirty and disgusting, homeless EVERYWHERE, graffiti all over the place, etc.