I’m posting this because many new people are waking up, joining this board, and will continue. In that, I see near hostile frustrations which is very understandable, given current events. And I see a rebirth of stress and frustration from older recent and long time Anons. So I just want to remind us of our goal, Where We Go One, We Go All.
Our goal is to disseminate comms and information to make it easier for the masses, and to work towards waking EVERYONE up. That is the goal of Q. Not to do this blindly, but to do this with eyes and MIND Wide Open Anons! We are then supposed to use all of this to be accepting of everyone, VACCINATED OR NOT, young and old, and help them understand WHAT HAS HAPPENED, and awaken as many as we can PERIOD! We can discriminate against the Evil scumbags, but we are not to discriminate against those awake that didn’t know all that we know, those that were recently asleep and awakening, and those still asleep.
We, by the grace of God are supposed to provide the loaves of bread to all that come and have faith! Or to provide them hope and faith! Because that is the meaning of ALL. Where We Go One (each one of us), We Go All (We take all we can, together)! We are all on this journey together. The end will not be for everyone. But Q, all of our intel tells us to bring ALL we can! And yes casting aside the EVIL Ones! They will be dealt with per law, and by God.
We need to keep in mind to educate and help ALL of those with empathy, and love in our faith. We are all here on earth together orbiting the sun TOGETHER. We need to not be evil and discriminate if it can be avoided, and that person is not being evil. All of this is the meaning of Where We Go One, We Go All.
So Anons God bless you all and your families. God give each of you the strength to see this and focus on our work as the largest Awakening Team on earth. Much love and respect to each of you and truly frens, Where We Go One, We Go All.
Trumps purpose was to show us WE ARE NOT ALONE, and example also by this site. They say Flynn said there is no plan, well the plan is US. The audits are a start and helping wake people up to the corruption and how deep it is. WE ARE THE PLAN. We must fight with everything we have and everyway we can. The PLAN is hopefully the legal route but if it fails me must be ready to stand and FIGHT with the rights the Founding Fathers gave us with the you know the amendment. But hopefully it will not come to that but we must be ready and willing to if we have to. I took and OATH a very long time ago and still believe in that OATH. I am older now and will not last as long but will gladly HONOR THAT OATH till the day I die. Friends STAND STRONG, HAVE FAITH, REMAIN STEADFAST. AND PRAY. WE WILL WIN, but it made be a very long, painful, and exhausting fight. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION