Fat stores excess toxins to isolate them. You detox faster in "flu season" because you burn more fat. The main cause of obesity is iron poisoning. Every country which mandates iron fortification of wheat has an obesity epidemic, but neighboring countries with high-wheat diets have no health issues.
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Used to work on at a bloodbank with an odd clinical aspect, doctors would send in patients with hemochromatosis and iron overload to slough it off by being bled, being a regular blood donor not only helps to lower iron overload, it also is shown to lower cholesterol as well, sidenote: a lot of our iron overload "therapeutic" donors were men on testosterone shots, the testosterone always affected their iron levels, and high iron is bad for the system over extended periods of time, the complications are so numerous I'm not going to list them, since I already wrote a book. Sufficed to say, if you are healthy enough to donate blood, go do it, a whole blood donation can help up to three different people, and benefit yourself while doing it, especially men and smokers. Not to mention good karma.
Interesting, and it'll likely be difficult to be able to donate blood nowadays without a coof card
Not really, unless the FDA gets their villainous hands in there, after all they control the blood supply since it's considered a drug once it leaves your body and gets processed for transfusion. There's a long history of nefarious blood supply issues, especially with the red cross, there's a book called Blood, I believe the author is Douglas Star (possibly Starr?) that goes into a surprisingly interesting history of transfusion and blood banking, a lot of people prefer AABB accredited bloodbanks because of it.
If you have low T stop eating garbage and cross train cardio and lift weights. Exogenous testosterone is mostly unnecessary.
also sleep and maintain a healthy body fat %