No, audits are not underwater. There are people spreading misinformation on various platforms. Different people have different ideas as to how to proceed. That is normal.
No, there is nothing “out” about Maricopa. They are as sound on NDAs as it gets.
No, there is nothing to “read in to” about anything from Wendy Rogers lately.
No, I don’t know exactly when the Maricopa report is out. But it is a forensic audit of 2.1mm ballots. I’d be more concerned if they turned the report out in 2 days, rather than taking a long time to document what was found. The answer is very soon.
No, I don’t know why there are personality conflicts and disagreements made public. This is why I don’t engage in them.
No, it’s not easy to wait. We wish things moved faster. Welcome to the harsh reality of life in a bureaucracy.
No, you should not commit to following only some people and condemning the rest. Save your ire for the enemy inside the wire, the RINO GOP.
We don’t need to read too far into everything. A Texas star on my outdoor chimney is not a secret sign that I am satanic. Me tucking my hand into my shirt for a split second while speaking does not mean I’m a mason. Me posting a picture of my friend from college with jersey number 17 means nothing other than that is what the equipment manager gave him.
Sometimes things just are what they are.
I hate Occam's Razor. It basically just keeps you focused on the most obvious thing and distracts you from thinking outside the box.
Just where the cabal want you to be.
Rules of Intel. Data is not intelligence, intelligence is actionable and the most important... if you have no need to know than no matter what you think you know you don't know.
They've kept us busy here while they actually acted and have finished the part of the operation that we think we are waiting for. The end. Think mirror. Now u get the show so you don't go onto shock. They'll pretend to prosecute etc etc etc. Meanwhile we do still ha e enemies out there.
Welcome to the first actual world War of modern history.
No, that's the misinterpretation of it. I admit I fell into that trap for a while, but it's not as cut-and-dry as, "The simplest solution is usually the best." It's more about not going overboard with suppositions.
It absolutely doesn’t preclude uncovering the truth, in fact it promotes rigor and research.
But it does seek to head off people following cracked-out, unsupported lunacy leaps.