647 () posted 3 years ago by Russianbots 3 years ago by Russianbots +648 / -1 51 comments share 51 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This mask stuff is especially retarded.
People pull down their masks to sneeze because they don't want their mask to get all disgusting and gross.
And it wouldn't do anything anyway.
They smoke a cigarette, then put the mask on after. Proceeds to yell at you for not wearing and "putting their health at risk". Complete lunatics man.
"They put dangerous chemicals in our drinking water!" *drags cigarette"
Yes while consuming a product that they add extra nicotine to so you get hooked faster!
Allegedly nicotine prevents the coof.
A cigarette a day of organic pure tobacco is good for ones health; change my mind.
You’re a funny man