There is no real way to know if I have it or not but I do have the funky symptoms. Its basically inbetween the flu and a head cold. The worst thing for me is the smells. Unlike many who lose their sense of smell I have what i consider much worse. Everything smells like urine. The best thing from this is that I cant taste bitterness, so i can drink black coffee without any sugar, and it taste like i put just the right amount of sugar in it. And, if i breath out my nose after the sip, i can kindof smell coffee.
I am taking this opportunity to eat those super healthy but nasty foods like beets. I might as well. Maybe this virus is like a weightloss starter kit for me.
Feel free to ask me anything related to it, or my health or whatever.
As someone who’s had it, I would say that it’s not the same old cold/flu.
It drags on a little more and is a little more aggressive towards your respiratory system.
It’s a weaponized version of the cold and flu.
More than anything, it’s a vehicle for them to institute their controls.
One that that I’ve noticed locally is that it is hitting my area pretty heavily, although it’s still reasonably mild. No one is dying. Some are hospitalized but I think the reason for that is that so many are scared and the hit the panic button at first sign if trouble.
Secondly, this is easily treated with Ivermectin and HCQ.
You had cold or flu. Period. There was no test to tell you what it was. Just the worse flu you've had made everything else Including your own fears.
Truth is you probably never had the real flu before. Most of us havent.
First I had zero fear of Covid. None. Even when I had it.
Secondly it would be odd if I’ve never had the flu before then suddenly had it during the second year of Covid.
Thirdly if you think it doesn’t exist, then you must not believe the Dems/China/cabal launched a bio weapon on the world, which I certainly believe they did. They’ve been working on the vaccines for years. This was always their plan.
I’ve had colds and flu before. This was not much different. Felt like the flu + a sinus infection, but lingered a little longer (respiratory) than I’ve never had.
I was also treating with Ivermectin, zinc, Vit D, Vit C, quercentin and was still sick for about 12-14 days.
Granted I worked from home the entire time, so it was not horrible but I’m reasonably healthy and was self treating.
Also another anecdote, my dad who is fully vaxxed, had his anti bodies tested recently and he did test positive for the anti bodies. He was never sick, but got it from the vax.
I've never had a cold that makes everything smell like urine. Even opening bleach or detergent smells like urine.
Okay, what do I have?
Phantom smells can be a sign of a brain tumor.
"covid" makes you smell and taste nothing.
Flu makes you lose your taste too.
Thankfully today I don't smell it just with the air but it comes back if I smell something that should have a strong smell.
Im not arguing with you on that. I think i have it based on the weird symptoms, i don't think its dangerous, at least not nearly as bad as flu.. in fact i have always been in favor of getting covid soon than later so i can have natural immunity. Which i probobly already had since I've had other covid strains
Zinc (citrate) 30 - 50mg per day.
Vitamin D3 10 - 20,000 IU per day.
As D3 can cause magnesium deficiency, I also take magnesium (citrate) 300mg (twice a day for me to avoid migraine and leg cramps).
Cinchona bark tea (level teaspoon of bark flakes in mug of boiling water - add honey if desired - let it cool) or Quercetin.
Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine if available.
What test did you take? None? Fiction, stop talking yourself into bullshit lies.
Cold or flu
Lol. It's a stupid post for sure.