There is no real way to know if I have it or not but I do have the funky symptoms. Its basically inbetween the flu and a head cold. The worst thing for me is the smells. Unlike many who lose their sense of smell I have what i consider much worse. Everything smells like urine. The best thing from this is that I cant taste bitterness, so i can drink black coffee without any sugar, and it taste like i put just the right amount of sugar in it. And, if i breath out my nose after the sip, i can kindof smell coffee.
I am taking this opportunity to eat those super healthy but nasty foods like beets. I might as well. Maybe this virus is like a weightloss starter kit for me.
Feel free to ask me anything related to it, or my health or whatever.
Okay, what do I have?
Phantom smells can be a sign of a brain tumor.
"covid" makes you smell and taste nothing.
Flu makes you lose your taste too.
Thankfully today I don't smell it just with the air but it comes back if I smell something that should have a strong smell.
Im not arguing with you on that. I think i have it based on the weird symptoms, i don't think its dangerous, at least not nearly as bad as flu.. in fact i have always been in favor of getting covid soon than later so i can have natural immunity. Which i probobly already had since I've had other covid strains
Zinc (citrate) 30 - 50mg per day.
Vitamin D3 10 - 20,000 IU per day.
As D3 can cause magnesium deficiency, I also take magnesium (citrate) 300mg (twice a day for me to avoid migraine and leg cramps).
Cinchona bark tea (level teaspoon of bark flakes in mug of boiling water - add honey if desired - let it cool) or Quercetin.
Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine if available.
What test did you take? None? Fiction, stop talking yourself into bullshit lies.
What test can i take? Exactly nothing. I have symptoms, I'm calling them the name covid. Loosen your panties.
Cold or flu