I'm guessing CIA or intelligence operatives. Someone had posted a video a while back about how, during the whole Snowden fiasco Obama basically sold out all of our intelligence assets in China to China. The next logical step would be to run new operatives in from neighboring countries which Afghanistan is. I mean think about it aside from the Uighers themselves how did the west know about the genocide? We put assets in. It's easy to sneak muslims into those communities when they were already muslim to begin with. I bet you we were running ops in China with Afghanistan being a staging ground after the big Obama sellout.
I'm guessing CIA or intelligence operatives. Someone had posted a video a while back about how, during the whole Snowden fiasco Obama basically sold out all of our intelligence assets in China to China. The next logical step would be to run new operatives in from neighboring countries which Afghanistan is. I mean think about it aside from the Uighers themselves how did the west know about the genocide? We put assets in. It's easy to sneak muslims into those communities when they were already muslim to begin with. I bet you we were running ops in China with Afghanistan being a staging ground after the big Obama sellout.
Why would hussein need to dox those operatives? He's on the same side.
Because they weren’t his. Loyal to someone else?