A new bill has just been passed in Australia called Identify and Disrupt Bill
Essentially, this bill allows is, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) can log into your Email, your Facebook, Instagram any other social media, and not only view it but actually alter it however they want. They can send emails on your behalf, they can post things on your behalf, they can engage in criminal activity on your behalf in order to reach their objective. And if they want to throw you under the bus, you’re just collateral damage.
There is a petition to repeal this bill
Please pass the word to any Aussies you know to sign this petition and get the word out.
Your PTY only helps you within the two fiction. It does nothing to change the fact you are still a dead body, lacking the capacity to state claims to life and all that comes with it.
When you are alive, you can have lodial title to property. Within the fiction your property rights are always subject to STATE-fiction-rules, meaning, you have no lawful title to property, it is a sort of lease.
When Analschwab says: you'll own nothing and you'll be happy, this is already the case. You do not own your body, let alone added property, like land, vessels, buildings, money (not currency), toaster-ovens.