The local news station in our area is reporting that the CDC tracked a “breakout” of the “delta variant” at a middle school to an unvaxxed teacher. They will start blaming any new outbreak of the alleged “virus” responsible for the plandemic on the unvaxxed thus vilifying those that don’t want to inject their bodies with poison as selfish disease carrying second class citizens. They did the same thing in Nazi Germany where they compared the Jews and any other “undesirable” population as disease carrying vermin. It’s the same damn playbook! We just have to recognize it! History repeats itself.
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The CDC says birthing people should get the VAX. If you don't know the difference between a man and a woman you are unqualified to give medical advice. Anyone listening to them is a damn fool.
They've been caught fudging data at least three times. Policy based on CDC recommendations is not sound.
I know right, what kind of brain damage do you need to have to call women birthing people.....retards.
And if men have the legal right to insist the be treated as women (and vice verse), including documenting it on legal papers then we have the right to be treated as vaccinated.
CDC goes full woke, issues guidance for woke language