I think you missed his point - they would have put him on a shelf to silence him if he did it the way you suggest - as an example he referenced what was done to his former commander when he tried that through the military channels - they kicked him out and continued like they always planned to. This patriot does not seem like he is giving up the fight, he seems like he thinks he can be more effective fighting without the constraints that would be put on him if he stayed in the Marines. You are naive if you think his videos are not having a profound effect on the discussions happening within the armed services. He left their ranks and joined ours.
I think you missed his point - they would have put him on a shelf to silence him if he did it the way you suggest - as an example he referenced what was done to his former commander when he tried that through the military channels - they kicked him out and continued like they always planned to. This patriot does not seem like he is giving up the fight, he seems like he thinks he can be more effective fighting without the constraints that would be put on him if he stayed in the Marines. You are naive if you think his videos are not having a profound effect on the discussions happening within the armed services. He left their ranks and joined ours.
Is this man posting strictly over the vax mandates? What prompted this anyway?
He called out the leadership for fucking up the Afghanistan withdrawal and demanded accountability.
Said there's a two tier system, one for the rank and file and the other for the leadership and it needs to change.