White South Africans are the real victims and need asylum in the USA because the racist blacks in SA kill them for their skin color and land and the racist government does nothing. Everyone of the Soth African whites should be moved to the USA if the wish to flee and be given chinese owned farmland (removed from the chinese) and help resetting here. We do farm more for lesser people that actually hate us.
Non-ANC Black farmers and farm workers are also targeted by the mobs, many of whom turn out to be police members. This is as much ANC / government corruption as it is racist. Read about the "Peoples' War".
Many of the Whites left would leave if we had the finances, as would many of other races.
Farm murders are just one way that the fabric of South African society is being burned.
"Non-ANC Black farmers and farm workers are also targeted"....Yes, they are but for a completely different reason....When a white farmer is murdered he is forced to watch these fucking demons rape his wife then his daughter(some as young as 6)...If he tries to not look, guess what they do ...? Cut his Eyelids off so he is forced to watch...!!!
And his only crime is to be white and Feed the nation...
I'm "this" close to turning into a fucking "mass murderer" ....But thankfully I/We are a civilized and God-fearing people and are not savages like them....
White South Africans are the real victims and need asylum in the USA because the racist blacks in SA kill them for their skin color and land and the racist government does nothing. Everyone of the Soth African whites should be moved to the USA if the wish to flee and be given chinese owned farmland (removed from the chinese) and help resetting here. We do farm more for lesser people that actually hate us.
Non-ANC Black farmers and farm workers are also targeted by the mobs, many of whom turn out to be police members. This is as much ANC / government corruption as it is racist. Read about the "Peoples' War".
Many of the Whites left would leave if we had the finances, as would many of other races. Farm murders are just one way that the fabric of South African society is being burned.
"Non-ANC Black farmers and farm workers are also targeted"....Yes, they are but for a completely different reason....When a white farmer is murdered he is forced to watch these fucking demons rape his wife then his daughter(some as young as 6)...If he tries to not look, guess what they do ...? Cut his Eyelids off so he is forced to watch...!!! And his only crime is to be white and Feed the nation...
I'm "this" close to turning into a fucking "mass murderer" ....But thankfully I/We are a civilized and God-fearing people and are not savages like them....
Any luck with the Russian government willing to take them as refugees?
A few farmers have gone to previously USSR republics, especially Georgia.
Few Whites are farmers with most living in urban areas.
Decent review of "People's war"