These mother fuckers. I’m fact-checking them in real time. In my head of course, don’t want to get hubby fired 🤣
Claim: “Natural immunity isn’t as good as the protection from a vaccine”
Rating: FALSE. Multiple studies, especially those out of Israel, are showing that those vaccinated are less protected from Covid than those with natural immunity, markedly so, and if under 40, are more likely to experience severe or deadly health effects from the vaccine than they would if they contracted Covid while unvaccinated.
Claim: “Bed usage for Covid is at an all-time high system-wide”
Rating: FALSE. Maybe if you assholes hadn’t forced nurses and other medical staff to choose between bodily autonomy and their jobs, you’d have enough nurses to open up more beds and also keep a healthy, safe nurse to patient ratio. I’d like to hear a NUMBER of beds available vs beds filled as compared to April & May 2020.
Claim: “The vaccines are safe and effective”
Rating: FALSE. See claim #1 for “safe”. See Israel and the most-vaccinated cities & counties in the US for “effective”.
Claim: “There are no known therapeutics for Covid.”
Rating: So FALSE I’m ready to throw things. Keep raking in that sweet, sweet windfall of federal Covid death reimbursal at the cost of lives and families. Demons.
It is little wonder that they’re spewing this bullshit, though. They want that sweet federal money, and the doctors want to keep their medical licenses. Grinds my fucking gears.
I am so sick of safe and approved. Fought with my MD. Told her it was not approved, it was authorized for emergency use ONLY IF NO OTHER THERAPEUTICS ARE AVAILABLE. There are therapeutics available but just suppressing the sale doesnt mean they dont exist. As for its safety, no clinical trials were completed so safety cannot be determined. I called her a liar to her face.
People are realizing the lies and doctors are getting desperate because they are losing patients. Someday we'll be seeing them in soup kitchen lines.
Someday we’ll be seeing them in the gallows line
I fought with mine too. I told her I wasn’t getting a shot or a blood draw. Nor would I be going into the office until there was the ability to do so without a mask. When she asked if I didn’t trust her, I asked was she the one putting the needle in my arm. At one point she threatened to not refill one of my scripts until I had a blood draw. I told her to go ahead. That would be her choice. Just as it would be mine to leave the practice I’ve been a patient at for almost 40 years.
But your doc might be right on 1 thing, depending on the script she might need to check a blood result. For example if your on a cholesterol med she may need to see your blood cholesterol levels, maybe your dosage needs up or down.
Your right in threatening to leave because they lost so much $ during lockdowns they are becoming desperate. I wonder how they pay mortgage on that estate. I'd love to know how much extra $ they get for each vax.