11k cases (11 is a sacred number to the DS). President of Palestine spoke with Israeli Prime Minister today in a rare exchange. They were the first country in the world to mass vaccinate and deaths are twice as high as they were a year ago.
They haven't even hit Autumn where it will further explode. Something massive is coming.
What you perceive as Israel is the Synagogue of Satan. The Israel Jesus rules from is different. The people that call themselves "jews" over there aren't even the real ones. You wanna see a real Jew go to Yemen.
I agree that some Jews are the synagogue of Satan. Except they are not Jews. Jesus even said this. But am confused at what other Jerusalem you think Jesus will come back to? It’s in Israel. And what will happen there, as I said before, when Jesus tells you to run, that’s how bad it’s going to get before the end. What Satan will do there will be horrible. But not has to happen. And that’s why we pray for them. Israel, and the Jewish people.
Israel is a fake country made up by Zionist bankers from England. It is the Synagogue of Satan. It is a Nazi state that works with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others to maintain it's power in the region while sending it's dual citizens to destroy the US from the inside.
All the heads of every corrupt industry in the US and around the world fund Israel. I don't see how this country who has ties to every degenerate industry in the world is simultaneously "Gods chosen".
Unless those filthy "jews' are replaced by the real Jews from Yemen and Ethiopia etc, It's all lies.
Well it’s your words vs the Bible’s. You may not like it, but Israel is gonna be here along time longer than the United States. Those are facts. Unless you don’t believe in what the Bible says.
I would say let’s just wait and see. But that would mean I know God’s plan. Which I don’t. But I trust it for sure.