The fed and state government(s) are now getting into the "take you to protective custody for your own good" mode.
We are heading to camps and everything every "fictitious" movie displayed to us over the years. So what are the police in this country going to do? As far as I can tell, they follow orders like they can't think for themselves in the slightest.
War is coming. It's now more clear than ever.
Are you a cop? I assume related to one. I don't see any evidence of that so far but let's hope I'm wrong.
Careful. You are getting almost to the point if stereotypical divisive shillary.
I for one havent seen evidence of widespread preparation of citizen round ups in the US other than Twitter bursts and dormers.
No credible or trusted sources.
No I'm not. In Michigan they've been sending letters out for months threatening people that if they don't comply with city orders they will get a court order to remove you for your and your communities safety, based on being notified that a person in the household was in contact with an infected person. Not explaining how or when but including full of threats.
Last year people were calling us conspiracy theorists as soon as the plandemic began and how everything that's happened and is happening, was never going to happen.
Wake up. You may not see "widespread"...yet...but it's coming.
Then take a picture and show us. I would love to see examples of the letters people are getting. It's a much better red pill than a generic doom post calling out cops on things that haven't and aren't happening.
I happen to be the wife of a police officer. You seem to lump them all together as bad cops, just like the Dems did all though the BLM riots. Do you know how much shit was thrown at my husband, how many riots he had to go to? He was out there to protect businesses and property. They didn’t want to be out there. Guaranteed the majority of Police are Patriots who love this country and a ton are former military. I’m sorry those letters are going out, but do the Police have anything to do with them? They are usually the last to know. Cities like to throw shit out there before consulting with law enforcement. I’m tired of the cop bashing. It’s been going on for too long.
I love the guarantee offered by police and family even though all indicators point to the opposite.
"WhY aRe CoNServAtIveS haTinG oN uS? ItS The PoLiTiCianS.I DiDn'T WanT tO BoARd Up YoUR BuSiNEsS whILe BLM RaN ArOUND AnD BuRnEd ThE CounTRY. I wAs JuSt TaKinG OrDeRs. I'm DoING mY JOb. I'M A PAtRIot LikE yOU. HoNEsT tO GoSH!".
If the cops in this country were patriots we wouldn't be in this position. They could literally end this shit over night by not enforcing UNCONSTITUTIONAL mandates and orders.
You're tired of the cop bashing? I'm tired of cops bashing in the working man and protecting the communist faggots.
You sound like a slimy Democrat to me. No compassion for others. You once again lump them all together. Just like a Democrat. May God be with you.
Big city or small town?