The fed and state government(s) are now getting into the "take you to protective custody for your own good" mode.
We are heading to camps and everything every "fictitious" movie displayed to us over the years. So what are the police in this country going to do? As far as I can tell, they follow orders like they can't think for themselves in the slightest.
War is coming. It's now more clear than ever.
I love the guarantee offered by police and family even though all indicators point to the opposite.
"WhY aRe CoNServAtIveS haTinG oN uS? ItS The PoLiTiCianS.I DiDn'T WanT tO BoARd Up YoUR BuSiNEsS whILe BLM RaN ArOUND AnD BuRnEd ThE CounTRY. I wAs JuSt TaKinG OrDeRs. I'm DoING mY JOb. I'M A PAtRIot LikE yOU. HoNEsT tO GoSH!".
If the cops in this country were patriots we wouldn't be in this position. They could literally end this shit over night by not enforcing UNCONSTITUTIONAL mandates and orders.
You're tired of the cop bashing? I'm tired of cops bashing in the working man and protecting the communist faggots.
You sound like a slimy Democrat to me. No compassion for others. You once again lump them all together. Just like a Democrat. May God be with you.
Democrats don't hate police. You've been fooled. Democrats biggest allies are law enforcement. It ain't little faggot antifa and BLM cockroaches hunting down conservatives like dogs for nearly two years now.
Guns are next and it won't be me going door to door trying to take them away.