The fed and state government(s) are now getting into the "take you to protective custody for your own good" mode.
We are heading to camps and everything every "fictitious" movie displayed to us over the years. So what are the police in this country going to do? As far as I can tell, they follow orders like they can't think for themselves in the slightest.
War is coming. It's now more clear than ever.
Then take a picture and show us. I would love to see examples of the letters people are getting. It's a much better red pill than a generic doom post calling out cops on things that haven't and aren't happening.
That'll do it.
Um.... That’s from the Health Department. That has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Police Department.
You think some nurse is gonna enforce that? lmao wake up, bud
The Police Department won’t enforce it either, BUD. What have you been smoking? You are ragin on something.