The fed and state government(s) are now getting into the "take you to protective custody for your own good" mode.
We are heading to camps and everything every "fictitious" movie displayed to us over the years. So what are the police in this country going to do? As far as I can tell, they follow orders like they can't think for themselves in the slightest.
War is coming. It's now more clear than ever.
Buy an axe.
Buy a log from a gas station.
If cops come too close, take the log out and start chipping at it with the axe. Say you are just chopping wood, like you always do, and they just happened to come along during it.
Keep your back to the wall, AT ALL TIMES. Never in a corner.
If they try to use "force" by grabbing you, to take you somewhere you don't want to go, for a crime that isn't a crime, then club them with the axe.
Workplace accident.
Why an axe? You can throw it and it is a tool first and weapon second, as opposed to knife.
At the very least, cops don't like people who have an axe in their hand. That might be enough to deter them from their gestapo duties.
You might say I'm full of hot air, but ever since the cops have obviously turned against the People, I've been carrying a hatchet everywhere I go. If you follow suit, keep it in a bag, not on your person, that way you don't need a conceal carry license, since it is just a tool in a tool bag.
If you buy one from a commercial store, just know you will have to file it down, as they always keep them unusably blunt, even for chopping wood.
I also have two pocket knives, both less than 2 inches with a single edge (important). One of them I can draw in less than a second.
If they try to forcibly stick me with something, I'm gonna forcibly stick them with something first.
I'm not going down without a fight, though I don't think it will come to that.