posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +40 / -0

▪️The leaked transcript shows that Biden pressured Afghan President Ghani to lie about Taliban achievements in order to downplay the crisis.

▪️Afghan journalist: "The family blown up by Joe Biden's missile strike had special visas and were about to leave Afghanistan.

▪️A three-year-old California boy is stuck in Afghanistan, journalists report, circulating photos of his papers, but Joe Biden calls the withdrawal an "extraordinary success."

▪️Biden abandoned the stranded interpreter in Afghanistan who saved his life during a snowstorm in 2008.

▪️Biden assures the country that the remaining Americans in Afghanistan will be able to leave after the UN resolution is passed.

▪️The Washington Post reported that U.S. Representative Markwayne Mullin decided to go to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan on a rescue mission, despite numerous warnings from the Pentagon and State Department not to do so, and that no one knows where he is now.

▪️ The Arizona audit report is currently being completed, but recent COVID-19 complications have caused a delay. A portion of the draft audit report was reportedly delivered to the Arizona Senate, but members of the panel were found to be infected with COVID-19. Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said one member of the group was just released from the hospital Friday, but they are still sick. Doug Logan is starting to feel better, but he had a fever of 39.4 this weekend and will remain in isolation until he is no longer contagious. The virus caused the delay, but President Fann said: "What's important is that we want this report to be complete, accurate, and for everyone to use all their brain cells as they try to finish it."

▪️A Sacramento high school teacher urges her students to become "revolutionaries" of Antifa, considers American children "martyrs for a cause."

▪️Man arrested after claiming he planted a bomb at Trump's Vegas hotel.

▪️ Arizona Democrats want to test cell phone voting.

▪️The Texas Legislature passes a comprehensive election integrity bill for the Republican Party after Democrats fled to D.C. in a failed stunt.

▪️ In a scathing article for The Wall Street Journal, William McGurn, the chief speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, criticized Biden for constantly bringing up his late son Bo after American servicemen and women were killed by terrorists in Afghanistan, and also criticized him for refusing to answer any questions from journalists related to Afghanistan.

▪️Biden reinstates a program to attract unscreened illegals and use "nonprofits" to move them around the country.

▪️Attorney generals from 20 states have sued the Biden administration over a new policy providing federal protections for transgender athletes.

▪️Paris has set a 19 mph (30 km) speed limit throughout the city to persuade drivers to give up their cars and help improve the environment.

▪️ A U.S. Navy helicopter crashed off the coast of San Diego, with no cause or effect reported.