here's what you wanted Norman... this is the latest "clean" write up... refined for easier reading. Links below to other versions with more detail (more interesting detail) and last link is from O dark thirty 22 October 2020 - first write up of comms sync between Q and POTUS before and after Gastonia rally on 21 October 2020,
from 21 days ago (latest)
on 21 October 2020 / Trump Rally / Gastonia N.C
"Thirteen Days from now and you will see what's going on."
P 21996 (20:48:22)
P 21997
P 21998
P 21000
P 21001
P 21002
P 21003
P 21004
P 21005
P 21006
P 21007
P 21008
P 21009
P 21010
P 21011
P 21012
P 21013 (22:41:26)
Q.. 4918 (22:43:55) Last Q drop this day (Zulu time)
23:12:18 Z POTUS steps from behind two large American flags,
...................hanging like curtains / Gastonia Municipal Airport, NC Rally
23:15:38 Z "WOW! This is a big crowd! This is one hell of a big crowd!
..................Well I want to thank everybody. Thank you, Gastonia. Gastonia.
..................Thank you, Gastonia. Beautiful name."
23:16:10 Z "Thirteen Days. Can you believe it. Thirteen Days.
...................Thirteen Days from now and you'll see what's going on.
...................You'll see BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM."
00:31:49 Z POTUS ends speech at Gastonia / song YMCA begins to play
..................(3 seconds until first Q drop 4919.)
Q..4919 (00:31:51)
P 22014
P 22015
P 22016
P 22017
P 22018
P 22019 (POTUS and Q now in sync)
Q.. 4920 (00:58:24 Z)
Q.. 4921 (00:58:40 Z)
P 22020 (01:24:30 Z)
P 22021 (01:29:04 Z)
Q.. 4922 (01:32:00 Z)
P 22022 (01:47:18 Z)
Q.. 4923 (01:55:05 Z)
P 22023 (02:01:58 Z)
Q.. 4924 (02:21:53 Z) "BOOMS ENROUTE TOMORROW
.................................. This is not a drill"
...................................(Note repeat Trump boom refs in speech)
here is a link to the comment from early AM 22 Oct 2020 just after the speech. was able to catch the syncing real time due to monitoring Q drop and POTUS tweets real time. This is original version of these comms reports,
here's what you wanted Norman... this is the latest "clean" write up... refined for easier reading. Links below to other versions with more detail (more interesting detail) and last link is from O dark thirty 22 October 2020 - first write up of comms sync between Q and POTUS before and after Gastonia rally on 21 October 2020,
from 21 days ago (latest)
on 21 October 2020 / Trump Rally / Gastonia N.C
"Thirteen Days from now and you will see what's going on."
Q and POTUS overt comms synchronizaton / Q proof
all times ZULU
Q drop #4909 with the 3 movie posters embed has been used in several drops.
note time of drop in the embed is 2:17 AM. (The time actually has another significance but way down in the weeds for the subject of this comment.)
note "All [3] movies playing simultaneously."
follow along: 4+9+0+4 (= 17) is the authentication #
i will send (Q to Q+) 17 - [3] = 14 to query.
you send (Q+ to Q) 17 authenticate and confirm
Q sends 14 drops, add [3] = 1st 17 of 2 (Q)
P responds 17 tweets = 2nd 17 of 2 (Q+).
Q sends 1 drop / Q 4918 at 22:43:55 (last drop/msg on 10/21)
Q sends 1 drop / Q 4919 at 00:38:51 (first msg on 10/22)
P sends 6 tweets, final P tweet syncing up Q 4919P 22019
Q sends 4920 / 4921
P sends 22020 / 22021 (sync confirmation).
Q 4922
P responds 22022
Q 4923
P responds 22023
Q 4924 ....../ 4925 .../ 4926 ...... / 4927 ......../ 4928 .../ 4929 ../ 4930 ../ 4931... / 4932
....BOOMS / Wray .../ Haspel .../ Bowditch ../ Bishop / Tyson / Kohler / Bidens / Schiff
Linear format:
Q 14 Consecutive Drops
Q.. 4904 (18:24:23 start)
Q.. 4905
Q.. 4906
Q.. 4907
Q.. 4908
Q.. 4909
Q.. 4910
Q.. 4911
Q.. 4912
Q.. 4913
Q.. 4914
Q.. 4915
Q.. 4916
Q.. 4917 (19:06:39 end)
POTUS 17 Consecutive Tweets
P 21996 (20:48:22)
P 21997
P 21998
P 21000
P 21001
P 21002
P 21003
P 21004
P 21005
P 21006
P 21007
P 21008
P 21009
P 21010
P 21011
P 21012
P 21013 (22:41:26)
Q.. 4918 (22:43:55) Last Q drop this day (Zulu time)
23:12:18 Z POTUS steps from behind two large American flags,
...................hanging like curtains / Gastonia Municipal Airport, NC Rally
23:15:38 Z "WOW! This is a big crowd! This is one hell of a big crowd!
..................Well I want to thank everybody. Thank you, Gastonia. Gastonia.
..................Thank you, Gastonia. Beautiful name."
23:16:10 Z "Thirteen Days. Can you believe it. Thirteen Days.
...................Thirteen Days from now and you'll see what's going on.
...................You'll see BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM." (time stamp/ listen for booms)
10 / 22 / 2020 (Note ZULU Day / Date Change)
00:31:49 Z POTUS ends speech at Gastonia / song YMCA begins to play
..................(3 seconds until first Q drop 4919.)
Q..4919 (00:31:51)
P 22014
P 22015
P 22016
P 22017
P 22018
P 22019 (POTUS and Q now in sync)
Q.. 4920 (00:58:24 Z)
Q.. 4921 (00:58:40 Z)
P 22020 (01:24:30 Z)
P 22021 (01:29:04 Z)
Q.. 4922 (01:32:00 Z)
P 22022 (01:47:18 Z)
Q.. 4923 (01:55:05 Z)
P 22023 (02:01:58 Z)
Q.. 4924 (02:21:53 Z) "BOOMS ENROUTE TOMORROW
.................................. This is not a drill"
...................................(Note repeat Trump boom refs in speech)
Q.. 4925 WRAY (X)
Q.. 4926 HASPEL
Q.. 4928 BISHOP
Q.. 4929 TYSON
Q.. 4930 KOHLER
Q.. 4931 BIDENS
Q.. 4932 SCHIFF
Thirteen Days ref is to title of Robert F. Kennedy's memoir of the Cuban missile crises.
and nine miles to the south west of Gastonia... is this:
here is link to a more detailed version. It contains the messaging preamble, the set up that comms sync is scheduled and validation sequence.
from 1 month ago:
here is a link to the comment from early AM 22 Oct 2020 just after the speech. was able to catch the syncing real time due to monitoring Q drop and POTUS tweets real time. This is original version of these comms reports,
been monitoring your work:
Bravo, Zulu? Was Bido's tie in that video Delta?