posted ago by Monomial ago by Monomial +70 / -1

Are doctors and health care workers going to become the world's new most hated profession? 30 years ago lawyers were considered the butt of everyone's joke. As life progressed, we moved into an area where bankers flipped the script and actually became more hated than lawyers.

I am starting to think that for our children, health care workers are going to become the new profession to hate. They are really bringing it on themselves by refusing to stand up to the conglomerates who are ruining the profession. How can you honestly respect a group of people that care more about keeping their paychecks than killing their patients?

To me, this could be the most lasting and most detrimental social change to come out of this war. We really need to be able to trust our health care workers. I am saddened by the fact that in the general case, I no longer do.

BTW, the answer to the title, in case you never heard the joke, is "A good start!"