I was thinking the same thing. It doesn't 'fight the fight' which is a big issue for many here, but if you are 'in the trenches' and your job is on the line, then wtf - wear a silly non-functional mask! My local gym started requiring masks recently. I have acquired dozens of different types of masks over the months, and I went through and tried each one to see which was the least impactive when breathing hard. I found one that just happened to be a typical 'hospital' or 'surgical' mask, but had some kind of an insert that held the 'form' better, and I had no problem wearing it for 90 minutes while breathing hard and sweating like a pig! I got a pack of 100 on Amazon for next-to-nothing (masks are dirt-cheap these days).
I was thinking the same thing. It doesn't 'fight the fight' which is a big issue for many here, but if you are 'in the trenches' and your job is on the line, then wtf - wear a silly non-functional mask! My local gym started requiring masks recently. I have acquired dozens of different types of masks over the months, and I went through and tried each one to see which was the least impactive when breathing hard. I found one that just happened to be a typical 'hospital' or 'surgical' mask, but had some kind of an insert that held the 'form' better, and I had no problem wearing it for 90 minutes while breathing hard and sweating like a pig! I got a pack of 100 on Amazon for next-to-nothing (masks are dirt-cheap these days).