posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +32 / -0

Governments around the world have been able to inflict harm on their own people, and on people in foreign lands, because a large percentage of the population have trusted them.

That trust is fading.

The Medical-Pharmaceutical industry has been able to inflict harm on millions of people around the world because the majority of people have trusted them.

That trust is fading.

The government-controlled schools have been able to inflict harm on children via indoctrination of subversive ideas because the majority of parents have trusted them.

That trust is fading.

The corporate media has been able to inflict harm on the populace via false propaganda and the lie through omission (not telling the real news) because the majority of people have trusted them.

That trust is fading.

In order for a person to engage in critical thinking, they must be willing and able to set trust aside, and look at facts. The primary reason they have not been willing to engage in critical thinking and discuss facts is their blind trust in institutions that are run by individuals who are often engaged in a secret and subversive agenda.

Ridding the world of trust in false idols, and those who are not trustworthy, is the primary goal of the Great Awakening.