OSHA only applies to employment and not the public. Mask enforcement in businesses that interact with with public are under local jurisdictions as part of their pandemic protocol mandates. Fines that happen during a mask mandate are from the local authorities and is enforced by them. OSHA cannot fine a business owner for a member of the public not wearing a mask - OSHA only gets involved if it involves an employee. As far as I am aware of, employment mask requirements are the decision of an employer and not part of any regulation by OSHA for non-heath care workers. Health care workers that require PPE as a function of the job must be provided that protection equipment by the employer - masks, gloves, gowns, respirators, shields, scrubs, etc. The employer must also insure its proper use.
The Federal government has tried to avoid making mandates incumbent upon the public - something I am not sure they can legally do. That is why they have handed that dirty work over to the state and private businesses.
OSHA only applies to employment and not the public. Mask enforcement in businesses that interact with with public are under local jurisdictions as part of their pandemic protocol mandates. Fines that happen during a mask mandate are from the local authorities and is enforced by them. OSHA cannot fine a business owner for a member of the public not wearing a mask - OSHA only gets involved if it involves an employee. As far as I am aware of, employment mask requirements are the decision of an employer and not part of any regulation by OSHA for non-heath care workers. Health care workers that require PPE as a function of the job must be provided that protection equipment by the employer - masks, gloves, gowns, respirators, shields, scrubs, etc. The employer must also insure its proper use.
The Federal government has tried to avoid making mandates incumbent upon the public - something I am not sure they can legally do. That is why they have handed that dirty work over to the state and private businesses.