I cannot help it, if my fellow Aussies are not willing to fight, why should America help them?
I'm trying to fight the info war here in oz, and alot of others are as well.
I'm okay with waiting and fighting in my own way.
I'm not waiting for a saviour, although I would love one, I'm waiting for my fellow Australians.
So far my immediate family haven't had the shot yet, we have a natural distrust of the government.
Plenty of people I work with don't want the shot either.
We're stretched financially but still pushing.
I managed to red pill a few others on booster shots, which most Aussies don't know about yet.
Most of them reactred in anger, even the ones who've had their two shots.
There is a real sense that if they push vax passports and booster shots the pushback will grow.
Australians are just slow on the uptake in general but if they wake up to the deception it'll be fierce.
I know for a fact, if the US goes one way, Australia will follow.
This is why I support Trump, because without the US, Australia will be lost wether we Aussies fight or not.
I cannot help it, if my fellow Aussies are not willing to fight, why should America help them?
I'm trying to fight the info war here in oz, and alot of others are as well. I'm okay with waiting and fighting in my own way.
I'm not waiting for a saviour, although I would love one, I'm waiting for my fellow Australians.
So far my immediate family haven't had the shot yet, we have a natural distrust of the government. Plenty of people I work with don't want the shot either. We're stretched financially but still pushing.
I managed to red pill a few others on booster shots, which most Aussies don't know about yet. Most of them reactred in anger, even the ones who've had their two shots. There is a real sense that if they push vax passports and booster shots the pushback will grow.
Australians are just slow on the uptake in general but if they wake up to the deception it'll be fierce.
I know for a fact, if the US goes one way, Australia will follow.
This is why I support Trump, because without the US, Australia will be lost wether we Aussies fight or not.